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We help women through the law

Founded in 1975, we are the only charity dedicated to providing frontline legal advice to women experiencing all forms of violence against women and girls in England and Wales. We also campaign for access to justice and safety for all women.

Call our advice lines

Our telephone advice lines provide vital free and confidential legal advice to women in England and Wales to help you understand the law and your legal rights.

FLOWS Answers

We've launched a new free and confidential online criminal law advice service for women in England and Wales called FLOWS Answers. You can write to us using the online tool.

Read our legal guides

Our online legal guides and handbooks provide accessible legal information to help women in England and Wales through the law.

Reports, policy and briefings

We respond to consultations, write statements and briefings, conduct research, and publish reports to ensure women’s voices are heard and law and policy meets all women’s needs.

Our impact


women in England and Wales supported through our free legal advice lines each year


visitors provided with impartial expert advice through our website annually

Support Us


Donations are vital to our work supporting survivors. Make a contribution here.


Fundraise for us! Your donations can allow us to help more women. Find out more here.


Our volunteer legal advisers are vital to the delivery of our advice lines. Find out more about how you can help.

Community partnerships

We receive vital pro bono support from a range of professionals. Learn more about how to get involved.

Are you a professional?

We provide high quality practical training courses for professionals working with women. Our courses cover a range of legal issues including family law, criminal law, immigration and asylum law and sexual harassment.

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